NYC Fife Instructor Wanted

NYC Fife Instructor Wanted

The Crimson Kings are seeking a fife instructor to teach the fife line in the heart of New York City’s Chinatown. You must have a clean record and experience teaching youth groups ages 7 to 22. You should be a patient team player with initiative. You are enthusiastic, works well with youths, and loves everything there is to love about marching and drum corps activities.

Q&A with Mark Morgan

Q&A with Mark Morgan

A few weeks ago, we touted the return of the the horn line. Brass instructor Mark Morgan is a big part of the brass line's growth and the Corps' continued efforts to build a solid program for our members. He answered a few questions that'll give you a pretty good sense as to how great of an addition to the team he's been. Enjoy! CK: Please describe your teaching style.

Q&A with Johnny Molina, Jr.

Q&A with Johnny Molina, Jr.

As we continue to grow the Corps, we've added some new instructors to the team. Late last year, Johnny Molina, Jr. joined the Crimson Kings as a drum instructor. He has marched with the Cadets of New York City and the Sprit of Newark. While he pursues a degree in music education at Lehman College, he's working hard at helping build a solid Crimson Kings drumline. Get to know him better with the following Q&A session. CK: Please describe your teaching style.